CentralPark Thyon

Logo CentralPark Thyon
Logo CentralPark Thyon

Thyon CentralPark

If you come to CentralPark, you will be able to enjoy a nice chill out place with long chairs, pic nic tables, BBQ and good music.

We have the chance to have two different skilifts along both sides of the park which give you the opportunity to do as many runs as you want.

We’ve got as well two snow canons to assure enough snow at anytime of the season and, of course, a good snowmachine especially designed for parks.

Quelle: www.thyonfreestyleresort.com

Stav snehu a parku

Je nám ľúto, ale aktuálne informácie o parkovaní nie sú k dispozícii.

Snehové infoSo, 13.04., 16:30
So, 13.04., 16:30
100 cm
Horná stanica
60 cm
Údolná stanica
0 z 72
Zariadení v prevádzke
Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt im Skigebiet.

CentralPark Thyon


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